Actions sub-package

The Dragonfly library contains an action framework which offers easy and flexible interfaces to common actions, such as sending keystrokes and emulating speech recognition. Dragonfly’s actions sub-package has various types of these actions, each consisting of a Python class. There is for example a dragonfly.actions.action_key.Key class for sending keystrokes and a dragonfly.actions.action_mimic.Mimic class for emulating speech recognition.

Each of these actions is implemented as a Python class and this makes it easy to work with them. An action can be created (defined what it will do) at one point and executed (do what it was defined to do) later. Actions can be added together with the + operator to attend them together, thereby creating series of actions.

Perhaps the most important method of Dragonfly’s actions is their dragonfly.actions.action_base.ActionBase.execute() method, which performs the actual event associated with its action.

Dragonfly’s action types are derived from the dragonfly.actions.action_base.ActionBase class. This base class implements standard action behavior, such as the ability to concatenate multiple actions and to duplicate an action.

Basic examples

The code below shows the basic usage of Dragonfly action objects. They can be created, combined, executed, etc.

from dragonfly import Key, Text

a1 = Key("up, left, down, right")   # Define action a1.
a1.execute()                        # Send the keystrokes.

a2 = Text("Hello world!")           # Define action a2, which
                                    #  will type the text.
a2.execute()                        # Send the keystrokes.

a4 = a1 + a2                        # a4 is now the concatenation
                                    #  of a1 and a2.
a4.execute()                        # Send the keystrokes.

a3 = Key("a-f, down/25:4")          # Press alt-f and then down 4 times
                                    #  with 25/100 s pause in between.
a4 += a3                            # a4 is now the concatenation
                                    #  of a1, a2, and a3.
a4.execute()                        # Send the keystrokes.

Key("w-b, right/25:5").execute()    # Define and execute together.

More examples

For more examples on how to use and manipulate Dragonfly action objects, please see the doctests for the dragonfly.actions.action_base.ActionBase here: Action doctests.

Combining voice commands and actions

A common use of Dragonfly is to control other applications by voice and to automate common desktop activities. To do this, voice commands can be associated with actions. When the command is spoken, the action is executed. Dragonfly’s action framework allows for easy definition of things to do, such as text input and sending keystrokes. It also allows these things to be dynamically coupled to voice commands, so as to enable the actions to contain dynamic elements from the recognized command.

An example would be a voice command to find some bit of text:

  • Command specification: please find <text>

  • Associated action: Key("c-f") + Text("%(text)s")

  • Special element: Dictation("text")

This triplet would allow the user to say “please find some words”, which would result in control-f being pressed to open the Find dialogue followed by “some words” being typed into the dialog. The special element is necessary to define what the dynamic element “text” is.

Action class reference

ActionBase base class

class ActionBase[source]

Base class for Dragonfly’s action classes.

exception ActionError[source]
class ActionRepetition(action, factor)[source]
class ActionSeries(*actions)[source]
stop_on_failures = True

Whether to stop executing if an action in the series fails.

class BoundAction(action, data)[source]
class DynStrActionBase(spec=None, static=False)[source]
class Repeat(extra=None, count=None)[source]

Action repeat factor.

Integer Repeat factors ignore any supply data:

>>> integer = Repeat(count=3)
>>> integer.factor()
>>> integer.factor({"foo": 4})  # Non-related data is ignored.

Integer Repeat factors can be specified with the * operator:

>>> from dragonfly import Function
>>> def func():
...     print("executing 'func'")
>>> action = Function(func) * 3
>>> action.execute()
executing 'func'
executing 'func'
executing 'func'

Named Repeat factors retrieved their factor-value from the supplied data:

>>> named = Repeat("foo")
>>> named.factor()
Traceback (most recent call last):
ActionError: No extra repeat factor found for name 'foo' ('NoneType' object is unsubscriptable)
>>> named.factor({"foo": 4})

Repeat factors with both integer count and named extra values set combined (add) these together to determine their factor-value:

>>> combined = Repeat(extra="foo", count=3)
>>> combined.factor()
Traceback (most recent call last):
ActionError: No extra repeat factor found for name 'foo' ('NoneType' object is unsubscriptable)
>>> combined.factor({"foo": 4}) # Combined factors 3 + 4 = 7.
class UnsafeActionSeries(*actions)[source]
stop_on_failures = False

Whether to stop executing if an action in the series fails.

Key action

This section describes the Key action object. This type of action is used for sending keystrokes to the foreground application. Examples of how to use this class are given in Example key actions.

To use this class on X11/Linux, the xdotool program must be installed and the DISPLAY environment variable set.

Keystroke specification format

The spec argument passed to the Key constructor specifies which keystroke events will be emulated. It is a string consisting of one or more comma-separated keystroke elements. Each of these elements has one of the following two possible formats:

Normal press-release key action, optionally repeated several times:

[modifiers -] keyname [/ innerpause] [: repeat] [/ outerpause]

Press-and-hold a key, or release a held-down key:

[modifiers -] keyname : direction [/ outerpause]

The different parts of the keystroke specification are as follows. Note that only keyname is required; the other fields are optional.

  • modifiers – Modifiers for this keystroke. These keys are held down while pressing the main keystroke. Can be zero or more of the following:

    • a – alt key

    • c – control key

    • s – shift key

    • w – Windows key

    • O – Option key (Mac alias of the Alt key)

    • M – Meta key (X11 alias of the Alt key)

    • C – Command key (Mac alias of the Windows key)

    • S – Super key (X11 alias of the Windows key)

  • keyname – Name of the keystroke. Valid names are listed in Key names.

  • innerpause – The time to pause between repetitions of this keystroke. It should be given in hundredths of a second. For example, “20” will pause for 20/100s = 0.2 seconds.

  • repeat – The number of times this keystroke should be repeated. If not specified, the key will be pressed and released once.

  • outerpause – The time to pause after this keystroke. It should be given in hundredths of a second. For example, “20” will pause for 20/100s = 0.2 seconds.

  • direction – Whether to press-and-hold or release the key. Must be one of the following:

    • down – press and hold the key

    • up – release the key

    Note that releasing a key which is not being held down does not cause an error. It harmlessly does nothing.

Key names

  • Lowercase letter keys: a or alpha, b or bravo, c or charlie, d or delta, e or echo, f or foxtrot, g or golf, h or hotel, i or india, j or juliet, k or kilo, l or lima, m or mike, n or november, o or oscar, p or papa, q or quebec, r or romeo, s or sierra, t or tango, u or uniform, v or victor, w or whisky, x or xray, y or yankee, z or zulu

  • Uppercase letter keys: A or Alpha, B or Bravo, C or Charlie, D or Delta, E or Echo, F or Foxtrot, G or Golf, H or Hotel, I or India, J or Juliet, K or Kilo, L or Lima, M or Mike, N or November, O or Oscar, P or Papa, Q or Quebec, R or Romeo, S or Sierra, T or Tango, U or Uniform, V or Victor, W or Whisky, X or Xray, Y or Yankee, Z or Zulu

  • Number keys: 0 or zero, 1 or one, 2 or two, 3 or three, 4 or four, 5 or five, 6 or six, 7 or seven, 8 or eight, 9 or nine

  • Symbol keys: ! or bang or exclamation, @ or at, # or hash, $ or dollar, % or percent, ^ or caret, & or and or ampersand, * or star or asterisk, ( or leftparen or lparen, ) or rightparen or rparen, minus or hyphen, _ or underscore, + or plus, ` or backtick, ~ or tilde, [ or leftbracket or lbracket, ] or rightbracket or rbracket, { or leftbrace or lbrace, } or rightbrace or rbrace, \ or backslash, | or bar, colon, ; or semicolon, ' or apostrophe or singlequote or squote, " or quote or doublequote or dquote, comma, . or dot, slash, < or lessthan or leftangle or langle, > or greaterthan or rightangle or rangle, ? or question, = or equal or equals

  • Whitespace and editing keys: enter, tab, space, backspace, delete or del

  • Main modifier keys: shift, control or ctrl, alt or option or meta, win or cmd or super

  • Right modifier keys: rshift, rcontrol or rctrl, ralt or roption or rmeta, rwin or rcmd or rsuper

  • Special keys: escape, insert, pause, apps or popup, snapshot or printscreen

  • Lock keys: scrolllock, numlock, capslock

  • Navigation keys: up, down, left, right, pageup or pgup, pagedown or pgdown, home, end

  • Number pad keys: npmul, npadd, npsep, npsub, npdec, npdiv, numpad0 or np0, numpad1 or np1, numpad2 or np2, numpad3 or np3, numpad4 or np4, numpad5 or np5, numpad6 or np6, numpad7 or np7, numpad8 or np8, numpad9 or np9

  • Function keys: f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12, f13, f14, f15, f16, f17, f18, f19, f20, f21, f22, f23, f24

  • Multimedia keys: volumeup or volup, volumedown or voldown, volumemute or volmute, tracknext, trackprev, playpause, browserback, browserforward

Example key actions

The following code types the text “Hello world!” into the foreground application:

Key("H, e, l, l, o, space, w, o, r, l, d, exclamation").execute()

The following code is a bit more useful, as it saves the current file with the name “dragonfly.txt” (this works for many English-language applications):

action = Key("a-f, a/50") + Text("dragonfly.txt") + Key("enter")

The following code selects the next four lines by holding down the shift key, slowly moving down 4 lines, and then releasing the shift key:

Key("shift:down, down/25:4, shift:up").execute()

The following code locks the screen by pressing the Windows key together with the l key:


Adding additional key names

Technically, the Key action allows emulation of any key defined in Dragonfly’s special typeables dictionary. Additional mappings may be added to this dictionary at any time.

For example, the following code may be used on Windows to map the special start application keys to “startapp1” and “startapp2” respectively:

from dragonfly import Typeable, typeables
typeables["startapp1"] = Typeable(code=0xb6)
typeables["startapp2"] = Typeable(code=0xb7)

The Key action can then be used to emulate these keys:

action = Key("startapp1, startapp2")

By default, these keys open explorer.exe at “This PC” and the calculator app respectively.

Unicode Character Keystrokes (Key)

The Key action may be used on Windows and X11 (Linux) to type most Unicode characters (code points). This feature is not available on macOS.

On Windows, this feature is disabled by default because keystrokes emulated in this fashion ignore modifier key state entirely and because some applications do not accept the keystrokes at all. On X11, this feature is always on, since there are no caveats.

To enable this feature globally on Windows, run the following code, or add it into one of your command modules:

from dragonfly.actions.keyboard import Keyboard
Keyboard.unicode_keyboard = True

Dragonfly maintains a list of Windows applications that do not accept Unicode keyboard events. If the Unicode keyboard is enabled and the foreground application matches a name in this list, hardware emulation is used instead.

To add application names to this list, do the following:

from dragonfly.actions.keyboard import Keyboard

Keys in ranges 0-9, a-z and A-Z are always typeable. If keys in these ranges are not typeable with the current keyboard layout, then the equivalent key will be used instead. For example, if the standard Russian keyboard layout is active, the following code will result in the ‘я’ key being pressed while the Control key is held:


The unicode_keyboard option and the use_hardware parameter are only used on Windows. They have no effect on other platforms.

X11 keys

On X11, as noted above, the Key action may be used to type most Unicode characters. The code point may also be used to specify keys on this platform. For example, the character '€' is typed by the following action:


There are many more keys that can be typed with the Key action on this platform. For example, the browser refresh multimedia key:


This key is not defined in Dragonfly’s typeables list. It works because it is passed directly to xdotool. A list of X11 (Xorg) keys like this can be found online: XF86 keyboard symbols.

Key class reference

class Key(spec=None, static=False, use_hardware=False)[source]

Keystroke emulation action.

Constructor arguments:
  • spec (str) – keystroke specification

  • static (boolean) – flag indicating whether the specification contains dynamic elements

  • use_hardware (boolean) – if True, send keyboard events using hardware emulation instead of as Unicode text. This will respect the up/down status of modifier keys.

The format of the keystroke specification spec is described in Keystroke specification format.

This class emulates keyboard activity by sending keystrokes to the foreground application. It does this using Dragonfly’s keyboard interface for the current platform.

Text action

This section describes the Text action object. This type of action is used for typing text into the foreground window.

To use this action on X11 (Linux), the xdotool program must be installed and the DISPLAY environment variable set.

The Text action differs from Key in that it is used for typing literal text, while Key emulates pressing keys on the keyboard. An example of this is that the arrow-keys are not part of a text and so cannot be typed using the Text action, but can be sent by the Key action.

Unicode Character Keystrokes (Text)

The Text action may be used on Windows and X11 (Linux) to type most Unicode characters (code points). This feature is not available on macOS.

Please see Unicode Character Keystrokes (Key) for documentation on this subject. Most of it applies to Text action objects too.

Text class reference

class Text(spec=None, static=False, pause=None, autofmt=False, use_hardware=False)[source]

Action that sends keyboard events to type text.

  • spec (str) – the text to type

  • static (boolean) – if True, do not dynamically interpret spec when executing this action

  • pause (float) – the time to pause between each keystroke, given in seconds

  • autofmt (boolean) – if True, attempt to format the text with correct spacing and capitalization. This is done by first mimicking a word recognition and then analyzing its spacing and capitalization and applying the same formatting to the text.

  • use_hardware (boolean) – if True, send keyboard events using hardware emulation instead of as Unicode text. This will respect the up/down status of modifier keys.

Paste action

class Paste(contents, format=None, paste=None, static=False)[source]

Paste-from-clipboard action.

Constructor arguments:
  • contents (str | dict) – contents to paste. This may be a simple string to paste, a dynamic action spec or a dictionary of clipboard format ints to contents (typically strings).

  • format (int, clipboard format integer) – clipboard format. This argument is ignored if contents is a dictionary.

  • paste (instance derived from ActionBase) – paste action

  • static (boolean) – flag indicating whether the specification contains dynamic elements

This action inserts the given contents into the system clipboard, and then performs the paste action to paste it into the foreground application. By default, the paste action is the Ctrl-v keystroke or Super-v on a mac. The default clipboard format used by this action is the Unicode text format.

Mouse action

This section describes the Mouse action object. This type of action is used for controlling the mouse cursor and clicking mouse buttons.

Below you’ll find some simple examples of Mouse usage, followed by a detailed description of the available mouse events.

Example mouse actions

The following code moves the mouse cursor to the center of the foreground window ((0.5, 0.5)) and then clicks the left mouse button once (left):

# Parentheses ("(...)") give foreground-window-relative locations.
# Fractional locations ("0.5", "0.9") denote a location relative to
#  the window or desktop, where "0.0, 0.0" is the top-left corner
#  and "1.0, 1.0" is the bottom-right corner.
action = Mouse("(0.5, 0.5), left")

The line below moves the mouse cursor to 100 pixels left of the primary monitor’s left edge (if possible) and 250 pixels down from its top edge ([-100, 250]), and then double clicks the right mouse button (right:2):

# Square brackets ("[...]") give desktop-relative locations.
# Integer locations ("1", "100", etc.) denote numbers of pixels.
# Negative numbers ("-100") are counted from the left-edge of the
#  primary monitor. They are used to access monitors above or to the
#  left of the primary monitor.
Mouse("[-100, 250], right:2").execute()

The following command drags the mouse from the top right corner of the foreground window ((0.9, 10), left:down) to the bottom left corner ((25, -0.1), left:up):

Mouse("(0.9, 10), left:down, (25, -0.1), left:up").execute()

The code below moves the mouse cursor 25 pixels right and 25 pixels up (<25, -25>):

# Angle brackets ("<...>") move the cursor from its current position
#  by the given number of pixels.
Mouse("<25, -25>").execute()

Mouse specification format

The spec argument passed to the Mouse constructor specifies which mouse events will be emulated. It is a string consisting of one or more comma-separated elements. Each of these elements has one of the following possible formats:

Mouse movement actions:

  • move the cursor relative to the top-left corner of the desktop monitor containing coordinates [0, 0] (i.e. the primary monitor): [ number , number ]

  • move the cursor relative to the foreground window: ( number , number )

  • move the cursor relative to its current position: < pixels , pixels >

In the above specifications, the number and pixels have the following meanings:

  • number – can specify a number of pixels or a fraction of the reference window or desktop. For example:

    • (10, 10) – 10 pixels to the right and down from the foreground window’s left-top corner

    • (0.5, 0.5) – center of the foreground window

  • pixels – specifies the number of pixels

Mouse button-press action:

keyname [: repeat] [/ pause]

  • keyname – Specifies which mouse button to click:

    • left – left (primary) mouse button key

    • middle – middle mouse button key

    • right – right (secondary) mouse button key

    • four – fourth mouse button key

    • five – fifth mouse button key

    • wheelup – mouse wheel up

    • stepup – mouse wheel up 1/3

    • wheeldown – mouse wheel down

    • stepdown – mouse wheel down 1/3

    • wheelright – mouse wheel right

    • stepright – mouse wheel right 1/3

    • wheelleft – mouse wheel left

    • stepleft – mouse wheel left 1/3

  • repeat – Specifies how many times the button should be clicked:

    • 0 – don’t click the button, this is a no-op

    • 1 – normal button click

    • 2 – double-click

    • 3 – triple-click

  • pause – Specifies how long to pause after clicking the button. The value should be an integer giving in hundredths of a second. For example, /100 would mean one second, and /50 half a second.

Mouse button-hold or button-release action:

keyname : hold-or-release [/ pause]

  • keyname – Specifies which mouse button to click; same as above.

  • hold-or-release – Specified whether the button will be held down or released:

    • down – hold the button down

    • up – release the button

  • pause – Specifies how long to pause after clicking the button; same as above.

Mouse caveats

Please note that some of the keynames listed above will not work on every platform. If one or more of the keynames specified for a Mouse action are unsupported on the current platform, an error will be raised upon execution of the action:

ValueError: Unsupported mouse button event: four

On MacOS, double-click and triple-click can only be simulated via repeat:

# Perform a double-click.

# Perform a triple-click.

# The following commented Mouse actions, for double-click and
#  triple-click respectively, will not work properly on macOS:
#Mouse("left, left").execute()
#Mouse("left, left, left").execute()

A further caveat to be aware of is that the Mouse action object will, when sending mouse events, always treat the left mouse button as primary and the right mouse button as secondary. This means that any system setting for switching the primary and secondary mouse buttons (meant for left-handed users) will not affect which buttons are pressed when a Mouse action object is executed.

Mouse class reference

class Mouse(spec=None, static=False)[source]

Action that sends mouse events.

  • spec (str) – the mouse actions to execute

  • static (boolean) – if True, do not dynamically interpret spec when executing this action

Function action

The Function action wraps a callable, optionally with some default keyword argument values. On execution, the execution data (commonly containing the recognition extras) are combined with the default argument values (if present) to form the arguments with which the callable will be called.

Simple usage:

>>> def func(count):
...     print("count: %d" % count)
>>> action = Function(func)
>>> action.execute({"count": 2})
count: 2
>>> # Additional keyword arguments are ignored:
>>> action.execute({"count": 2, "flavor": "vanilla"})
count: 2

Usage with default arguments:

>>> def func(count, flavor):
...     print("count: %d" % count)
...     print("flavor: %s" % flavor)
>>> # The Function object can be given default argument values:
>>> action = Function(func, flavor="spearmint")
>>> action.execute({"count": 2})
count: 2
flavor: spearmint
>>> # Arguments given at the execution-time to override default values:
>>> action.execute({"count": 2, "flavor": "vanilla"})
count: 2
flavor: vanilla

Usage with the remap_data argument:

>>> def func(x, y, z):
...     print("x: %d" % x)
...     print("y: %d" % y)
...     print("z: %d" % z)
>>> # The Function object can optionally be given a second dictionary
>>> # argument to use extras with different names. It should be
>>> # compatible with the 'defaults' parameter:
>>> action = Function(func, dict(n="x", m="y"), z=4)
>>> action.execute({"n": 2, "m": 3})
x: 2
y: 3
z: 4

Class reference

class Function(function, remap_data=None, **defaults)[source]

Call a function with extra keyword arguments.

Constructor arguments:
  • function (callable) – the function to call when this action is executed

  • remap_data (dict, default: None) – optional dict of data keys to function keyword arguments

  • defaults – default keyword-values for the arguments with which the function will be called

Mimic action

The Mimic action mimics a single recognition. This is useful for repeating a single prerecorded or predefined voice-command.

This class could for example be used to open a new Windows Explorer window:

action = Mimic("open", "windows", "explorer")

A more in-depth example is given below in the class reference.

Mimic quirks

Some SR engine back-ends have confusing engine.mimic() method behavior. See the engine-specific mimic method documentation in sections under Engines sub-package for more information.

Class reference

class Mimic(*words, **kwargs)[source]

Mimic recognition action.

The constructor arguments are the words which will be mimicked. These should be passed as a variable argument list. For example:

action = Mimic("hello", "world", r"!\exclamation-mark")

If an error occurs during mimicking the given recognition, then an ActionError is raised. A common error is that the engine does not know the given words and can therefore not recognize them. For example, the following attempts to mimic recognition of one single word including a space and an exclamation-mark; this will almost certainly fail:

Mimic("hello world!").execute()   # Will raise ActionError.

The constructor accepts the optional extra keyword argument, and uses this to retrieve dynamic data from the extras associated with the recognition. For example, this can be used as follows to implement dynamic mimicking:

class ExampleRule(MappingRule):
    mapping  = {
                "mimic recognition <text> [<n> times]":
                    Mimic(extra="text") * Repeat(extra="n"),
    extras   = [
                IntegerRef("n", 1, 10),
    defaults = {
                "n": 1,

The example above will allow the user to speak “mimic recognition hello world! 3 times”, which would result in the exact same output as if the user had spoken “hello world!” three times in a row.

Playback action

The Playback action mimics a sequence of recognitions. This is for example useful for repeating a series of prerecorded or predefined voice-commands.

This class could for example be used to reload with one single action:

action = Playback([
                   (["focus", "Natlink"], 1.0),
                   (["File"], 0.5),
                   (["Reload"], 0.0),

Mimic quirks

Some SR engine back-ends have confusing engine.mimic() method behavior. See the engine-specific mimic method documentation in sections under Engines sub-package for more information.

Class reference

class Playback(series, speed=1)[source]

Playback a series of recognitions.

Constructor arguments:
  • series (sequence of 2-tuples) – the recognitions to playback. Each element must be a 2-tuple of the form ([“words”, “two”, “mimic”], interval), where interval is a float giving the number of seconds to pause after the given words are mimicked.

  • speed (float) – the factor by which to speed up playback. The intervals after each mimic are divided by this number.

property speed

Factor to speed up playback.

WaitWindow action

class WaitWindow(title=None, executable=None, timeout=15)[source]

Wait for a specific window context action.

Constructor arguments:
  • title (str) – part of the window title: not case sensitive

  • executable (str) – part of the file name of the executable; not case sensitive

  • timeout (int or float) – the maximum number of seconds to wait for the correct context, after which an ActionError will be raised.

When this action is executed, it waits until the correct window context is present. This window context is specified by the desired window title of the foreground window and/or the executable name of the foreground application. These are specified using the constructor arguments listed above. The substring search used is not case sensitive.

If the correct window context is not found within timeout seconds, then this action will raise an ActionError to indicate the timeout.

FocusWindow action

class FocusWindow(executable=None, title=None, index=None, filter_func=None, focus_only=False)[source]

Bring a window to the foreground action.

Constructor arguments:
  • executable (str) – part of the filename of the application’s executable to which the target window belongs; not case sensitive.

  • title (str) – part of the title of the target window; not case sensitive.

  • index (str or int) – zero-based index of the target window, for multiple matching windows; can be a string (for substitution) but must be convertible to an integer.

  • filter_func (callable) – called with a single argument (the window object), and should return True for your target windows; example: lambda window: window.get_position().dy > 100.

  • focus_only (bool, default False) – if True, then attempt to focus the window without raising it by using the Window.set_focus() method instead of set_foreground(). This argument may do nothing depending on the platform.

This action searches all visible windows for a window which matches the given parameters.

BringApp and StartApp actions

The StartApp and BringApp action classes are used to start an application and bring it to the foreground. StartApp starts an application by running an executable file, while BringApp first checks whether the application is already running and if so brings it to the foreground, otherwise starts it by running the executable file.

Example usage

The following example brings Notepad to the foreground if it is already open, otherwise it starts Notepad:


Note that the path to notepad.exe given above might not be correct for your computer, since it depends on the operating system and its configuration.

In some cases an application might be accessible simply through the file name of its executable, without specifying the directory. This depends on the operating system’s path configuration. For example, on the author’s computer the following command successfully starts Notepad:


Applications on MacOS are started and switched to using the application name:

BringApp("System Preferences").execute()

Class reference

class BringApp(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bring an application to the foreground, starting it if it is not yet running.

When this action is executed, it looks for an existing window of the application specified in the constructor arguments. If an existing window is found, that window is brought to the foreground. On the other hand, if no window is found the application is started.

Note that the constructor arguments are identical to those used by the StartApp action class.

Constructor arguments:
  • args (variable argument list of str’s) – these strings are passed to subprocess.Popen() to start the application as a child process

  • cwd (str, default None) – if not None, then start the application in this directory

  • title (str, default None) – if not None, then match existing windows using this title.

  • index (str or int) – zero-based index of the target window, for multiple matching windows; can be a string (for substitution) but must be convertible to an integer.

  • filter_func (callable) – called with a single argument (the window object), and should return True for your target windows; example: lambda window: window.get_position().dy > 100.

  • focus_after_start (bool, default False) – if True, then attempt to bring the window to the foreground after starting the application. Does nothing if the application is already running.

  • focus_only (bool, default False) – if True, then attempt to focus a matching window without raising it by using the set_focus() method instead of set_foreground(). This argument may do nothing depending on the platform.

class StartApp(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Start an application.

When this action is executed, it runs a file (executable), optionally with commandline arguments.

Constructor arguments:
  • args (variable argument list of str’s) – these strings are passed to subprocess.Popen() to start the application as a child process

  • cwd (str, default None) – if not None, then start the application in this directory

  • focus_after_start (bool, default False) – if True, then attempt to bring the window to the foreground after starting the application.

A single list or tuple argument can be used instead of variable arguments.

RunCommand action

The RunCommand action takes a command-line program to run including any required arguments. On execution, the program will be started as a subprocess.

Processing will occur asynchronously by default. Commands running asynchronously should not normally prevent the Python process from exiting.

It may sometimes be necessary to use a list for the action’s command argument instead of a string. This is because some command-line shells may not work 100% correctly with Python’s built-in shlex.split() function.

This action should work on Windows and other platforms.

Example using the ping command:

from dragonfly import RunCommand

# Ping localhost for 4 seconds.
RunCommand('ping -w 4 localhost').execute()

Example using a command list instead of a string:

from dragonfly import RunCommand

# Ping localhost for 4 seconds.
RunCommand(['ping', '-w', '4', 'localhost']).execute()

Example using the optional function parameter:

from __future__ import print_function
from locale import getpreferredencoding
from six import binary_type
from dragonfly import RunCommand

def func(proc):
    # Read lines from the process.
    encoding = getpreferredencoding()
    for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''):
        if isinstance(line, binary_type):
            line = line.decode(encoding)
        print(line, end='')

RunCommand('ping -w 4 localhost', func).execute()

Example using the optional synchronous parameter:

from dragonfly import RunCommand

RunCommand('ping -w 4 localhost', synchronous=True).execute()

Example using the optional hide_window parameter:

from dragonfly import RunCommand

# Use hide_window=False for running GUI applications via RunCommand.
RunCommand('notepad.exe', hide_window=False).execute()

Example using the subprocess’s Popen object:

from dragonfly import RunCommand

# Initialise and execute a command asynchronously.
cmd = RunCommand('ping -w 4 localhost')

# Wait until the subprocess finishes.

Example using a subclass:

from __future__ import print_function
from locale import getpreferredencoding
from six import binary_type
from dragonfly import RunCommand

class Ping(RunCommand):
    command = "ping -w 4 localhost"
    synchronous = True
    def process_command(self, proc):
        # Read lines from the process.
        encoding = getpreferredencoding()
        for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''):
            if isinstance(line, binary_type):
                line = line.decode(encoding)
            print(line, end='')


Class reference

class RunCommand(command=None, process_command=None, synchronous=False, hide_window=True)[source]

Start an application from the command-line.

This class is similar to the StartApp class, but is designed for running command-line applications and optionally processing subprocesses.

Constructor arguments:
  • command (str or list) – the command to run when this action is executed. It will be parsed by shlex.split() if it is a string and passed directly to subprocess.Popen if it is a list. Command arguments can be included.

  • process_command (callable) – optional callable to invoke with the Popen object after successfully starting the subprocess. Using this argument overrides the process_command() method.

  • synchronous (bool, default False) – whether to wait until process_command() has finished executing before continuing.

  • hide_window (bool, default True) – whether to hide the application window. Set to False if using this action with GUI programs. This argument only applies to Windows. It has no effect on other platforms.

property process

The Popen object for the current subprocess if one has been started, otherwise None.


Method to override for custom handling of the command’s Popen object.

By default this method prints lines from the subprocess until it exits.


class ContextAction(default=None, actions=None)[source]

Action class to execute a different action depending on which context is currently active.

This is especially useful for allowing the same commands to work in multiple applications without redefining them in other grammars. An example of this is the redo shortcut. Some applications use Ctrl+Shift+Z, while others might use Ctrl+Y instead. ContextAction could be used to define Ctrl+Y as the default and use Ctrl+Shift+Z for specific contexts:

redo = ContextAction(default=Key('c-y'), actions=[
    # Use cs-z for rstudio
    (AppContext(executable="rstudio"), Key('cs-z')),

This class was originally written for the Aenea project by Alex Roper and has been modified to work without Aenea’s functionality.

Constructor arguments:
  • default (action object, default do nothing) – the default action to execute if there was no matching context in actions.

  • actions (iterable, default empty list) – an iterable object containing context-action pairs. The action of the first matching context will be executed.

add_context(context, action)[source]

Add a context-action pair to the actions list.


Pause action

class Pause(spec=None, static=False)[source]

Pause for the given amount of time.

The spec constructor argument should be a string giving the time to wait. It should be given in hundredths of a second. For example, the following code will pause for 20/100s = 0.2 seconds:


The reason the spec must be given as a string is because it can then be used in dynamic value evaluation. For example, the following code determines the time to pause at execution time:

action = Pause("%(time)d")
data = {"time": 37}

PlaySound action

This section describes the PlaySound action object. This type of action is used to play system sounds or wave files.

Example PlaySound uses

The following example shows how to play a wave file using an PlaySound action object:


PlaySound on Windows

The behavior of the PlaySound action object differs between platforms. On Windows, it may be used to play Windows system sounds. This is achieved via the name parameter. For example:

# Play the logon sound.

# Play the system shutdown sound.

For this to work, the specified name must be listed (without spaces) in the Windows Sound control panel window, in the Sounds tab. If an invalid file path, or an unknown system sound, is specified, the default error sound will be played.

PlaySound on macOS and Linux

On macOS and Linux, the PlaySound action object uses the sounddevice package to play specified wave files. This package may be installed by running the following command:

$ pip install 'dragonfly[playsound]'

The name parameter is an alias for file on these platforms.

On these platforms, an error message will be shown if an invalid file path is specified.

Class reference

class PlaySound(name='', file=None)[source]

Start playing a wave file or system sound.

When this action is executed, the specified wave file or named system sound is played.

Playing named system sounds is only supported on Windows.

Constructor arguments:
  • name (str, default empty string) – name of the Windows system sound to play. This argument is effectively an alias for file on other platforms.

  • file (str, default None) – path of wave file to play when the action is executed.

If name and file are both None, then waveform playback will be silenced on Windows when the action is executed. Nothing will happen on other platforms.