Source code for dragonfly.engines.backend_sapi5.engine

# This file is part of Dragonfly.
# (c) Copyright 2007, 2008 by Christo Butcher
# Licensed under the LGPL.
#   Dragonfly is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#   under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
#   by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   Dragonfly is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
#   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   Lesser General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
#   License along with Dragonfly.  If not, see
#   <>.

SAPI 5 engine classes



import logging
import time
import os.path

import pythoncom
from datetime         import datetime
from ctypes           import Structure, c_long, c_int, c_uint, pointer
from ctypes           import windll, WinError, WINFUNCTYPE
from ctypes.wintypes  import DWORD, HANDLE, HWND, LONG

import win32con
from six                       import string_types, integer_types
from win32com.client           import Dispatch, getevents, constants
from win32com.client.gencache  import EnsureDispatch

from dragonfly.grammar.recobs  import RecognitionObserver
from  import Window
from dragonfly.engines.base    import (EngineBase, EngineError,
                                       MimicFailure, DelegateTimerManager,
from dragonfly.engines.backend_sapi5.speaker   import Sapi5Speaker
from dragonfly.engines.backend_sapi5.compiler  import Sapi5Compiler
from dragonfly.engines.backend_sapi5.recobs    import Sapi5RecObsManager


class POINT(Structure):
    _fields_ = [('x', c_long),
                ('y', c_long)]

class MSG(Structure):
    _fields_ = [('hwnd', c_int),
                ('message', c_uint),
                ('wParam', c_int),
                ('lParam', c_int),
                ('time', c_int),
                ('pt', POINT)]

class MimicObserver(RecognitionObserver):
    _log = logging.getLogger("SAPI5 RecObs")

    def __init__(self):
        self.status = "none"

    def on_recognition(self, words):
        self._log.debug("SAPI5 RecObs on_recognition(): %r" % (words,))
        self.status = "recognition: %r" % (words,)

    def on_failure(self):
        self._log.debug("SAPI5 RecObs on_failure()")
        self.status = "failure"


[docs] class Sapi5SharedEngine(EngineBase, DelegateTimerManagerInterface): """ Speech recognition engine back-end for SAPI 5 shared recognizer. """ _name = "sapi5shared" recognizer_dispatch_name = "SAPI.SpSharedRecognizer" DictationContainer = DictationContainerBase #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, retain_dir=None): """ :param retain_dir: Retains recognized audio and/or metadata in the given directory, saving audio to ``retain_[timestamp].wav`` file and metadata to ``retain.tsv``. Disabled by default (``None``). :type retain_dir: str|None """ EngineBase.__init__(self) DelegateTimerManagerInterface.__init__(self) EnsureDispatch(self.recognizer_dispatch_name) EnsureDispatch("SAPI.SpVoice") self._recognizer = None self._compiler = None self._speaker = None self._recognition_observer_manager = Sapi5RecObsManager(self) self._timer_manager = DelegateTimerManager(0.02, self) if isinstance(retain_dir, string_types) or retain_dir is None: self._retain_dir = retain_dir else: self._retain_dir = None self._log.error("Invalid retain_dir: %r" % retain_dir)
[docs] def connect(self): """ Connect to back-end SR engine. """ self._recognizer = Dispatch(self.recognizer_dispatch_name) self._speaker = Sapi5Speaker() self._compiler = Sapi5Compiler()
[docs] def disconnect(self): """ Disconnect from back-end SR engine. """ self._recognizer = None self._speaker = None self._compiler = None
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Methods for working with grammars. def _load_grammar(self, grammar): """ Load the given *grammar*. """ self._log.debug("Loading grammar %s." % if not self._recognizer: self.connect() # Create recognition context, compile grammar, and create # the grammar wrapper object for managing this grammar. context = self._recognizer.CreateRecoContext() if self._retain_dir: context.RetainedAudio = constants.SRAORetainAudio handle = self._compiler.compile_grammar(grammar, context) wrapper = GrammarWrapper(grammar, handle, context, self, self._recognition_observer_manager) handle.State = constants.SGSEnabled for rule in grammar.rules: handle.CmdSetRuleState(, constants.SGDSActive) # self.activate_grammar(grammar) # for l in grammar.lists: # l._update() handle.CmdSetRuleState("_FakeRule", constants.SGDSActive) return wrapper def _unload_grammar(self, grammar, wrapper): """ Unload the given *grammar*. """ try: wrapper.handle.State = constants.SGSDisabled except Exception as e: self._log.exception("Failed to unload grammar %s: %s." % (grammar, e))
[docs] def activate_grammar(self, grammar): """ Activate the given *grammar*. """ self._log.debug("Activating grammar %s." % grammar_handle = self._get_grammar_wrapper(grammar).handle grammar_handle.State = constants.SGSEnabled
[docs] def deactivate_grammar(self, grammar): """ Deactivate the given *grammar*. """ self._log.debug("Deactivating grammar %s." % grammar_handle = self._get_grammar_wrapper(grammar).handle grammar_handle.State = constants.SGSDisabled
[docs] def activate_rule(self, rule, grammar): """ Activate the given *rule*. """ self._log.debug("Activating rule %s in grammar %s." % (, grammar_handle = self._get_grammar_wrapper(grammar).handle grammar_handle.CmdSetRuleState(, constants.SGDSActive)
[docs] def deactivate_rule(self, rule, grammar): """ Deactivate the given *rule*. """ self._log.debug("Deactivating rule %s in grammar %s." % (, grammar_handle = self._get_grammar_wrapper(grammar).handle grammar_handle.CmdSetRuleState(, constants.SGDSInactive)
def update_list(self, lst, grammar): grammar_handle = self._get_grammar_wrapper(grammar).handle list_rule_name = "__list_%s" % rule_handle = grammar_handle.Rules.FindRule(list_rule_name) rule_handle.Clear() src_state = rule_handle.InitialState dst_state = None for item in lst.get_list_items(): src_state.AddWordTransition(dst_state, item) grammar_handle.Rules.Commit()
[docs] def set_exclusiveness(self, grammar, exclusive): self._log.debug("Setting exclusiveness of grammar %s to %s." % (, exclusive)) wrapper = self._get_grammar_wrapper(grammar) if exclusive and wrapper.handle.State != constants.SGSExclusive: wrapper.state_before_exclusive = wrapper.handle.State wrapper.handle.State = constants.SGSExclusive elif not exclusive and wrapper.handle.State == constants.SGSExclusive: assert wrapper.state_before_exclusive in (constants.SGSEnabled, constants.SGSDisabled) wrapper.handle.State = wrapper.state_before_exclusive
# grammar_handle.SetGrammarState(constants.SPGS_EXCLUSIVE) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Miscellaneous methods.
[docs] def mimic(self, words): """ Mimic a recognition of the given *words*. .. note:: This method has a few quirks to be aware of: #. Mimic can fail to recognize a command if the relevant grammar is not yet active. #. Mimic does not work reliably with the shared recognizer unless there are one or more exclusive grammars active. #. Mimic can **crash the process** in some circumstances, e.g. when mimicking non-ASCII characters. """ self._log.debug("SAPI5 mimic: %r" % (words,)) if isinstance(words, string_types): phrase = words else: phrase = " ".join(words) # Fail on empty input. if not phrase: raise MimicFailure("Invalid mimic input %r" % phrase) # Register a recognition observer for checking the success of this # mimic. observer = MimicObserver() observer.register() # Emulate recognition of the phrase and wait for recognition to # finish, timing out after 2 seconds. self._recognizer.EmulateRecognition(phrase) timeout = 2 NULL = c_int(win32con.NULL) if timeout != None: begin_time = time.time() windll.user32.SetTimer(NULL, NULL, int(timeout * 1000), NULL) message = MSG() message_pointer = pointer(message) while (not timeout) or (time.time() - begin_time < timeout): if timeout: self._log.debug("SAPI5 message loop: %s sec left" % (timeout + begin_time - time.time())) else: self._log.debug("SAPI5 message loop: no timeout") if windll.user32.GetMessageW(message_pointer, NULL, 0, 0) == 0: msg = str(WinError()) self._log.error("GetMessageW() failed: %s" % msg) raise EngineError("GetMessageW() failed: %s" % msg) self._log.debug("SAPI5 message: %r" % (message.message,)) if message.message == win32con.WM_TIMER: # A timer message means this loop has timed out. self._log.debug("SAPI5 message loop timed out: %s sec left" % (timeout + begin_time - time.time())) break else: # Process other messages as normal. self._log.debug("SAPI5 message translating and dispatching.") windll.user32.TranslateMessage(message_pointer) windll.user32.DispatchMessageW(message_pointer) if observer.status.startswith("recognition:"): # The previous message was a recognition which matched. self._log.debug("SAPI5 message caused recognition.") # Unregister the observer and check its status. observer.unregister() if observer.status == "failure": raise MimicFailure("Mimic failed.") elif observer.status == "none": raise MimicFailure("Mimic failed, nothing happened.")
[docs] def speak(self, text): """ Speak the given *text* using text-to-speech. """ self._speaker.speak(text)
def _get_language(self): if not self._recognizer: return "en" # Get Windows language identifiers for supported languages from the # recognizer's current status information. languages = self._recognizer.Status.SupportedLanguages # Lookup and return the language tag for the first supported # language ID. if languages: return self._get_language_tag(languages[0]) else: return "en" def _has_quoted_words_support(self): return False def _do_recognition(self): """ Recognize speech in a loop. This will also call any scheduled timer functions and ensure that the correct window context is used. """ # Register for window change events to activate/deactivate grammars # and rules on window changes, including window title changes. This # is done here because the SAPI5 'OnPhraseStart' grammar callback is # called after grammar state changes are allowed. WinEventProcType = WINFUNCTYPE(None, HANDLE, DWORD, HWND, LONG, LONG, DWORD, DWORD) self._last_foreground_window = None self._last_foreground_window_title = None def callback(hWinEventHook, event, hwnd, idObject, idChild, dwEventThread, dwmsEventTime): window = Window.get_foreground() # Note: hwnd doesn't always match window.handle, even when # foreground window changed (and sometimes it didn't change) window_changed = ( window != self._last_foreground_window or window == self._last_foreground_window and window.title != self._last_foreground_window_title ) if window_changed: self.process_grammars_context(window) self._last_foreground_window = window self._last_foreground_window_title = window.title def set_hook(win_event_proc, event_type): return windll.user32.SetWinEventHook( event_type, event_type, 0, win_event_proc, 0, 0, win32con.WINEVENT_OUTOFCONTEXT) win_event_proc = WinEventProcType(callback) windll.user32.SetWinEventHook.restype = HANDLE events = {win32con.EVENT_SYSTEM_FOREGROUND, win32con.EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE} hook_ids = [set_hook(win_event_proc, event) for event in events] # Recognize speech, call timer functions and handle window change # events in a loop. Stop on disconnect(). self.speak('beginning loop!') try: while self._recognizer is not None: pythoncom.PumpWaitingMessages() self.call_timer_callback() time.sleep(0.005) finally: # Unregister event hooks. for hook_id in hook_ids: windll.user32.UnhookWinEvent(hook_id)
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make the shared engine available as Sapi5Engine, for backwards # compatibility. Sapi5Engine = Sapi5SharedEngine #===========================================================================
[docs] class Sapi5InProcEngine(Sapi5SharedEngine): """ Speech recognition engine back-end for SAPI 5 in process recognizer. """ _name = "sapi5inproc" recognizer_dispatch_name = "SAPI.SpInProcRecognizer"
[docs] def connect(self, audio_source=0): """ Connect to the speech recognition backend. The audio source to use for speech recognition can be specified using the *audio_source* argument. If it is not given, it defaults to the first audio source found. """ Sapi5SharedEngine.connect(self) self.select_audio_source(audio_source)
[docs] def get_audio_sources(self): """ Get the available audio sources. This method returns a list of audio sources, each represented by a 3-element tuple: the index, the description, and the COM handle for the audio source. """ available_sources = self._recognizer.GetAudioInputs() audio_sources_list = [] for index, item in enumerate(collection_iter(available_sources)): audio_sources_list.append((index, item.GetDescription(), item)) return audio_sources_list
[docs] def select_audio_source(self, audio_source): """ Configure the speech recognition engine to use the given audio source. The audio source may be specified as follows: - As an *int* specifying the index of the audio source to use - As a *str* containing the description of the audio source to use, or a substring thereof The :meth:`get_audio_sources()` method can be used to retrieve the available sources together with their indices and descriptions. """ available_sources = self._recognizer.GetAudioInputs() if isinstance(audio_source, integer_types): # Parameter is the index of the source to use. if 0 <= audio_source < available_sources.Count: selected_source = available_sources.Item(audio_source) else: raise EngineError("Invalid audio source index: %r" " (%s sources available, so index must be" " in range 0 to %s)" % (audio_source, available_sources.Count, available_sources.Count - 1)) elif isinstance(audio_source, string_types): for item in collection_iter(available_sources): if audio_source in item.GetDescription(): selected_source = item break else: raise EngineError("Audio source not found: %r" % (audio_source)) else: raise EngineError("Invalid audio source qualifier: %r" % (audio_source))"Selecting audio source: %r" % (selected_source.GetDescription(),)) self._recognizer.AudioInput = selected_source
#--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utility generator function for iterating over COM collections. def collection_iter(collection): if not collection: return for index in range(0, collection.Count): yield collection.Item(index) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class GrammarWrapper(GrammarWrapperBase): def __init__(self, grammar, handle, context, engine, recobs_manager): GrammarWrapperBase.__init__(self, grammar, engine, recobs_manager) self.handle = handle self.context = context self.state_before_exclusive = handle.State # Register callback functions which will handle recognizer events. base = getevents("SAPI.SpSharedRecoContext") class ContextEvents(base): pass c = ContextEvents(context) c.OnPhraseStart = self.phrase_start_callback c.OnRecognition = self.recognition_callback if hasattr(grammar, "process_recognition_other"): c.OnRecognitionForOtherContext = self.recognition_other_callback if hasattr(grammar, "process_recognition_failure"): c.OnFalseRecognition = self.recognition_failure_callback def phrase_start_callback(self, stream_number, stream_position): window = Window.get_foreground() self.grammar.process_begin(window.executable, window.title, window.handle) def _retain_audio(self, newResult, results, rule_name): # Only write audio data and metadata if the directory exists. retain_dir = self.engine._retain_dir if retain_dir and not os.path.isdir(retain_dir): self.engine._log.warning( "Audio was not retained because '%s' was not a " "directory" % retain_dir ) elif retain_dir: try: file_stream = Dispatch("SAPI.SpFileStream") # Note: application can also retrieve smaller portions # of the audio stream by specifying a starting phrase # element and phrase element length. audio_stream = newResult.Audio() # Make sure we have audio data, which we wouldn't from a # mimic or if the retain flag wasn't set above. if audio_stream: # Write audio data. file_stream.Format = audio_stream.Format now = filename = ("retain_%s.wav" % now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S_%f")) wav_path = os.path.join(retain_dir, filename) flags = constants.SSFMCreateForWrite file_stream.Open(wav_path, flags) try: file_stream.Write(audio_stream.GetData()) finally: file_stream.Close() # Write metadata words = ' '.join([r[2] for r in results]) audio_length = int(newResult.Times.Length) / 1e7 tsv_path = os.path.join(retain_dir, "retain.tsv") with open(tsv_path, "a") as tsv_file: tsv_file.write('\t'.join([ filename, str(audio_length),, rule_name, words ]) + '\n') except: self.engine._log.exception("Exception retaining audio") def recognition_callback(self, StreamNumber, StreamPosition, RecognitionType, Result): try: newResult = Dispatch(Result) phrase_info = newResult.PhraseInfo rule_name = phrase_info.Rule.Name #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Build a list of rule names for each element. # First populate it with the top level rule name. element = phrase_info.Rule name = element.Name start = element.FirstElement count = element.NumberOfElements rule_names = [name] * count # Walk the tree of child rules and put their names in the list. stack = [collection_iter(phrase_info.Rule.Children)] while stack: try: element = next(stack[-1]) except StopIteration: stack.pop(); continue name = element.Name start = element.FirstElement count = element.NumberOfElements rule_names[start:start + count] = [name] * count if element.Children: stack.append(collection_iter(element.Children)) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Prepare the words and rule names for the element parsers. replacements = [False] * len(rule_names) if phrase_info.Replacements: for replacement in collection_iter(phrase_info.Replacements): begin = replacement.FirstElement end = begin + replacement.NumberOfElements replacements[begin] = replacement.Text for index in range(begin + 1, end): replacements[index] = True results = [] rule_set = list(set(rule_names)) elements = phrase_info.Elements for index in range(len(rule_names)): element = elements.Item(index) rule_id = rule_set.index(rule_names[index]) # Map dictation rule IDs to 1M so that dragonfly recognizes # the words as dictation. if rule_names[index] == "dgndictation": rule_id = 1000000 replacement = replacements[index] info = [element.LexicalForm, rule_id, element.DisplayText, element.DisplayAttributes, replacement] results.append(info) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Retain audio self._retain_audio(results, newResult, rule_name) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Attempt to parse the recognition. if self.process_results(results, rule_set, newResult): return except Exception as e: Sapi5Engine._log.error("Grammar %s: exception: %s" % (self.grammar._name, e), exc_info=True) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # If this point is reached, then the recognition was not # processed successfully.. self._log.error("Grammar %s: failed to decode recognition %r." % (self.grammar._name, [r[0] for r in results])) def recognition_other_callback(self, StreamNumber, StreamPosition): # Note that SAPI 5.3 doesn't offer access to the actual # recognition contents during a # OnRecognitionForOtherContext event. func = getattr(self.grammar, "process_recognition_other", None) self._process_grammar_callback(func, words=False, results=None) def recognition_failure_callback(self, StreamNumber, StreamPosition, Result): func = getattr(self.grammar, "process_recognition_failure", None) self._process_grammar_callback(func, results=Dispatch(Result))