Source code for

# This file is part of Dragonfly.
# (c) Copyright 2007, 2008 by Christo Butcher
# Licensed under the LGPL.
#   Dragonfly is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#   under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
#   by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   Dragonfly is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
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Window class for Windows


# pylint: disable=E0401
# This file imports Win32-only symbols.

# pylint: disable=E0213,E1120,W0212
# Suppress warnings about _win32gui_func() lambdas and protected access.

from ctypes                        import windll, pointer, c_wchar, c_ulong

import win32api
import win32con
import win32gui

from import BaseWindow
from   import Rectangle
from dragonfly.actions.action_key  import Key


[docs] class Win32Window(BaseWindow): """ The Window class is an interface to the Win32 window control and placement. """ _results_box_class_names = ["#32770", "DgnResultsBoxWindow"] #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Class methods to create new Window objects.
[docs] @classmethod def get_foreground(cls): handle = win32gui.GetForegroundWindow() if handle in cls._windows_by_id: return cls._windows_by_id[handle] window = Win32Window(handle=handle) return window
[docs] @classmethod def get_all_windows(cls): def function(handle, argument): argument.append(cls.get_window(handle)) argument = [] win32gui.EnumWindows(function, argument) return argument
[docs] @classmethod def get_matching_windows(cls, executable=None, title=None): # Make window searches case-insensitive. if executable: executable = executable.lower() if title: title = title.lower() matching = [] for window in cls.get_all_windows(): if not window.is_visible: continue if executable: if window.executable.lower().find(executable) == -1: continue if title: if window.title.lower().find(title) == -1: continue if (window.executable.endswith("natspeak.exe") and window.classname in cls._results_box_class_names and window.get_position().dy < 50): # If a window matches the above, it is very probably # the results-box of DNS. We ignore this because # its title is the words of the last recognition, # which will often interfere with a search for # a window with a spoken title. continue matching.append(window) return matching
# @classmethod # def get_window_by_executable(cls, executable): # def function(handle, argument): # title = windll.user32.GetWindowText(handle) # print "title: %r" % title # windll.user32.EnumWindows(function, argument) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Methods for initialization and introspection. def __init__(self, handle): super(Win32Window, self).__init__(id=handle) def __repr__(self): args = ["handle=%d" % self.handle] + list(self._names) return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(args)) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Direct access to various Win32 methods. def _win32gui_func(name): func = getattr(win32gui, name) return lambda self: func(self._handle) _get_rect = _win32gui_func("GetWindowRect") _destroy = _win32gui_func("DestroyWindow") _set_foreground = _win32gui_func("SetForegroundWindow") _bring_to_top = _win32gui_func("BringWindowToTop") _get_window_text = _win32gui_func("GetWindowText") _get_class_name = _win32gui_func("GetClassName") def _win32gui_test(name): test = getattr(win32gui, name) fget = lambda self: test(self._handle) and True or False return property(fget=fget, doc="Shortcut to win32gui.%s() function." % name) is_valid = _win32gui_test("IsWindow") is_enabled = _win32gui_test("IsWindowEnabled") is_visible = _win32gui_test("IsWindowVisible") is_minimized = _win32gui_test("IsIconic") @property def is_maximized(self): # IsZoomed() is not available from win32gui for some reason. # So we use the function directly. return bool(windll.user32.IsZoomed(self._handle)) def _win32gui_show_window(state): return lambda self: win32gui.ShowWindow(self._handle, state) minimize = _win32gui_show_window(win32con.SW_MINIMIZE) maximize = _win32gui_show_window(win32con.SW_MAXIMIZE) restore = _win32gui_show_window(win32con.SW_RESTORE) def _win32gui_post(message, w=0, l=0): return lambda self: win32gui.PostMessage(self._handle, message, w, l) close = _win32gui_post(win32con.WM_CLOSE) def _get_window_pid(self): # Get this window's process ID. pid = c_ulong() windll.user32.GetWindowThreadProcessId(self._handle, pointer(pid)) return pid.value def _get_window_module(self): # Get this window's process ID. pid = self._get_window_pid() # Get the process handle of this window's process ID. # Access permission flags: # 0x0410 = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ handle = windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(0x0410, 0, pid) # Retrieve and return the process's executable path. try: # Try to use the QueryForProcessImageNameW function # available since Windows Vista. buffer_len = c_ulong(256) buffer = (c_wchar * buffer_len.value)() windll.kernel32.QueryFullProcessImageNameW(handle, 0, pointer(buffer), pointer(buffer_len)) buffer = buffer[:] buffer = buffer[:buffer.index("\0")] except Exception: # If the function above failed, fall back to the older # GetModuleFileNameEx function, available since windows XP. # Note that this fallback function seems to fail when # this process is 32 bit Python and handle refers to a # 64-bit process. buffer_len = 256 buffer = (c_wchar * buffer_len)() windll.psapi.GetModuleFileNameExW(handle, 0, pointer(buffer), buffer_len) buffer = buffer[:] buffer = buffer[:buffer.index("\0")] finally: windll.kernel32.CloseHandle(handle) return str(buffer) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Methods related to window geometry.
[docs] def get_position(self): l, t, r, b = self._get_rect() w = r - l; h = b - t return Rectangle(l, t, w, h)
[docs] def set_position(self, rectangle): assert isinstance(rectangle, Rectangle) l, t, w, h = rectangle.ltwh win32gui.MoveWindow(self._handle, l, t, w, h, 1)
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Methods for miscellaneous window control.
[docs] def set_foreground(self): # Bring this window into the foreground if it isn't already the # current foreground window. if self.handle != win32gui.GetForegroundWindow(): if self.is_minimized: self.restore() # Press a key so Windows allows us to use SetForegroundWindow() # (received last input event). See Microsoft's documentation on # SetForegroundWindow() for why this works. # Only do this if neither the left or right control keys are # held down. if win32api.GetKeyState(win32con.VK_CONTROL) >= 0: Key("control:down,control:up").execute() # Set the foreground window. self._set_foreground()
[docs] def set_focus(self): # Setting window focus without raising the window doesn't appear to # be possible in Windows, so fallback on set_foreground(). self.set_foreground()